The Committee of 100 in Finland is a pacifist, anti-militarist, politically and religiously non-aligned peace organisation, founded in 1963. The Committee of 100 works for peace and disarmament. In the age of globalisation, Finland should actively strive for peace, disarmament and human rights, and oppose all violence.
The Committee promotes disarmament and sustainable peace politics through political advocacy, public events, publications and youth peace work trainings. We are an expert organisation with representation in many governmental and civil society working groups, committees and networks related to peace and security policy.
The Committee of 100 is a member of the following civil society organisations and networks in Finland:
- Finnish 2250 network (Youth, Peace and Security)
- Finnish Development NGOs – Fingo
- Finnish Peace Education Institute
- ICAN Finland (founding member)
- Peace Union of Finland
- United Nations Association of Finland
- Wider Security Network WISE (founding member)
In addition, the Committee of 100 is a founding member of the KIOS Foundation.
Internationally, the Committee of 100 in Finland is a member of International Peace Bureau (IPB) and an affiliate of War Resisters’ International (WRI). The Committee of 100 is a member of the following campaigns and networks:
- Campaign to Stop Killer Robots
- Cluster Munition Coalition (CMC)
- Control Arms
- European Forum on Armed Drones (EFAD)
- European Network Against Arms Trade (ENAAT)
- International Action Network on Small Arms (IANSA)
- International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN)
- International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL)
Contact us
In social media, you’ll find us @Sadankomitea.
You can contact to us by email
Suomen Sadankomitea ry
VAT Identification number: 0222651-3